Sunday, May 26, 2013

Day 1: The Hauptbanhof

I landed in Munich this morning at approximately 10.00. I got acquainted with the airport quickly-- locating not only the WC (which was more difficult that it should have been), but also purchasing a few converters for my american plugs, changing my U.S. cash to Euro, and picking up my super unwieldy luggage. Gargantuan bags in tow I managed to navigate my way to the Hauptbanhof via the S-Bahn. I think it may have been bad form to take up 3 seats with all my luggage, but in fairness, I hadn't really slept much and standing was probably going to end in a worse way.
At 11 my train pulled into the Hauptbanhof and I was looking forward to crashing in my little hostel room, less than a kilometer from the train station, but I was faced with a very distressing dilemma: where the hell was the Hostel. I talked to a nice old German lady, but didn't really get much direction so I asked a kind looking American couple who had a map if they could point me to Senefelderstrasse. We were able to figure this out and I checked in by 11.30. However, I wouldn't have a bed until I spent my time looking for housing, which is literally a full-time occupation.
I set up an appointment to look at an apartment at 15.30, and proceeded to stare vacantly at a wall in pure exhaustion.
I decided to get some food at the Hauptbanhof food court--which was probably over priced-- but I got a little bratwurst for my first meal in Bavaria. It wasn't anything special, but it felt like the right way to introduce myself to Deutschland.
At 15.00 I ventured to the Hauptbanhof once more to make my way to Kantstrasse to check out an apartment there. A lot of confusion ensued as I wandered through the Bahnhof (this place is huge and there are about a million people milling about at anytime), but by some act of God or good sense of direction, I made it to the Peteulring stop and found, once again, that I hadn't the slightest idea how to get to Kantstrasse from there. Luckily I was able to ask a nice German couple in my kindergarten-level German how to get to Kantstasse and managed to make to the apartment with out getting flattened by one of the zillions of BMWs whizzing about Peteulring.
In all, travelling has been exhausting and I would really appreciate a warm, cozy Wohnung and a roommate or 2, but until then I'll be here at this hostel looking for housing, wondering how broke I'm going to be at the end of summer, and getting nervous for my first day of work. I've got to sign off now, because I'm tired and I need to get up early to shower, eat, and plan my route to BMW! Until then, Liebe Gruesse von Muenchen!

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