Saturday, June 1, 2013

Deutsches Museum: "Germany is a country of engineers"

Yesterday I decided I would kill some time at the German Museum (Deutsches Museum). This required yet another ride on the U-Bahn-- always dicey, since the Munich transit map is basically a tangled, colorful mess of lines that I've yet to decipher. On a brighter note, at least I brought my umbrella because I had to wait outside for an hour in the rain in a line to get in to the Museum. Admission was only 3 Euro, which is about the cheapest activity you can do in Munich, however.
So I got into the Museum, which is huge, and the first thing I noticed was that, sure, they had a lot of scale models, but the number of full-scale machines and boats and planes they had was amazing. I had a great time just looking around and seeing these old machines from the industrial revolution and admiring the mechanics (wow, I sounded like a huge nerd there). My mentor told me on my first day of work "Germany is a country of engineers." I don't know if I'm qualified to make a judgment as I've been here nearly a week, but after seeing the German Museum, I'd say that it definitely would appeal to any engineer.
I'm going to keep this one brief since nothing more exciting happened today, except I got a pre-paid SIM card so I can now use my phone to contact German numbers and use German data networks. Oh, and I found a hockey league to play with, but it's kind of far away :-/ (in Unterföhring) but, it will be a good way to stay in shape and hopefully meet some more people here!
This is the view of the Olympiaturm and BMW headquarters from my apartment building. As you can see, it's been quite sunny here.

The Deutsches Museum sits on an island in the middle of the Isar. It also has 2 observatory towers, but the Planetarium was closed :'(

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